DTHE AMNESIA JOKES SECTION!N .....Tyre's don't sing when you put chains on them! Jokes To Offend Almost EVERYONE 34.1 Did you hear about the Irishman 2~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~1 asked to become a JEHOVA'S By 3J/\Y of .:+:!EcLiPsE!:+:.1 Witness? .....He refused because he said N.B: If your easily offended I would he hadn't seen the accident! advise you not to read any further, these jokes will offend every race, 35.1 Why does POLARIS carry shit in religion,taboo of every sort,YOU HAVE his wallet? BEEN WARNED!!! (These ain't my views .....For identification! (oh,ho, they're just JOKES!!) ho,he,he,one for u POLARIS!!!!!) ~~~~~~~ 31.1 What do you call a female clown? 36.1 How do you get a Kleenex to .....A clunt! dance? .....Blow a boogie on it! 32.1 What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree? 37.1 Did you hear that Jay recently .....Hold onto your nuts this got fired from the sperm bank? ain't no ordinary blow job! .....He was caught drinking on the job! 33.1 What's the difference between a (Heh Heh,revenge is mine!- PLRS) nigger and a tyre? 38.1 What's the definition of a 311.1 Did you hear about the queer perfect woman? Indian? .....a) She's three feet tall, .....He jumped into the canoe, has a round hole for a mouth and took three strokes and shot her head is flat so you can put across the lake! a beer glass on it! 312.1 How do you get 4 Submission IRL b) The sports model has pull members on a bar stool? back ears and the teeth fold in! .....Turn it upside down! c) The economy model fucks all 313.1 Why don't cheerleaders do the evening and at midight turn into splits? a roast beef sandwich and a six .....Because if they did they pack! would get stuck to the floor! 39.1 Why does Ray Charles smile so 314.1 Why do blacks wear wide rimmed much? hats? .....Because he doesn't know .....To stop the birds shitting he's black! on their lips! 310.1 Did you hear about the queer 315.1 What do elephants wear as Burglar? tampons? .....He couldn't blow the safe .....Sheep! so he went down on the elevator! 316.1 How do you say FUCK YOU in 322.1 Why did God make piss yellow and Jewish? sperm white? .....TRUST ME! .....So the English can tell if they are coming or going! 317.1 Define Jewish foreplay. .....Two hours of begging! 323.1 How do get an Iranian girl pregnant? 318.1 What do you get if you cross a .....Come on her shoes and let nigger with Bo Dereke? the flies do the rest! .....Ten of Spades! 324.1 What has six legs and eats 319.1 Why don't the Irish eat pickles? pussy? .....Because they cant get their .....You,me and Billy Jean King! heads in the jars! 325.1 What's the brown stuff between 320.1 What do you do in case of a FALL Elephants legs? OUT? .....Slow natives! .....Put it back in and take shorter strokes! 326.1 Whats better than a rose on your piano? 321.1 Why don't Italians eat Clams? .....Tulips on your organ! .....Because they can't get their little legs apart! 327.1 What do you get if you cross a nigger with a gorilla? .....A dumb gorilla! his wife for an outhouse? .....Because the hole was 328.1 What does it say inside a smaller and the smell better! niggers lips? .....Inflate to 20lbs! 334.1 What did ADAM say to EVE? .....Stand back.I don't know how 329.1 Did you hear about the new IRISH big this thing is! parachute? .....It opens on impact! 335.1 What goes into 13 twice? ....Roman Polanski! 330.1 Why do BRIXTON coons have such small steering wheels? 336.1 Why don't ITALIANS have .....So they can drive with hand freckles? cuffs on! ....They would slide off! 331.1 What's the differance between a 337.1 What do you have if you are up jew and a pizza? to your ankles in niggers? .....A pizza doesn't scream when ....Afro turf! you put it in the oven! 338.1 What's old and wrinkled and 332.1 Why do JEWS have big noses? smells like GINGER ROGERS? .....Air's free! ....Fred Astair's face! 333.1 Why did the PAKISTANI trade in 339.1 What's yellow and ugly and sleeps alone? 4 to hold the sound equipment! ....YOKO ONO! 345.1 Why are ice hockey players and 340.1 Why don't they have any black west indian girls alike? skiers? ....They both change their pads ....Because their lips explode after 3 periods! at 1000 feet! 346.1 What do you get if you cross a 341.1 Why don't they let PAKISTANIS nigger with a monkey? swim in Lake Windermere? ....Nothing, Monkeys are too ....Because they leave a ring! intelligent to fuck niggers! 342.1 Where is an elephants sex organ? 347.1 Why does Nancy Reagan always ....In it's feet, if it steps on climb on top? you your fucked! ....because Ronny can only fuck up! 343.1 Whats black and white and has three eyes? 348.1 Why did God create the orgasm? ....Sammy Davis Jnr. and his ....So niggers would know when wife! to stop fucking! 344.1 How many blacks does it take to 349.1 What do you call an ITALIAN change a light bulb? with an I.Q. of 108? ....5, 1 to change the bulb and ....SICILY! 350.1 Why don't they have ice cubes in IRELAND? 2Article by1 : 3JAY/ECLIPSE1 ....They lost the recipe! 2Clipart by1 : 3HOKUM/ECLIPSE1 351.1 What's a real mate? ....Someone who will go into town and get two blow jobs and come back and give you one! 352.1 What's red and green and makes you laugh? ....A bus full of PAKIS going over a cliff! 353.1 Did you hear about the man who lost his whole left side? ....He's all right now! 354.1 How do you save a drowning nigger? ....Throw him an anchor! 355.1 Or, the Chinese Man with only one ball.... Wan Hung Lo